Product Designer, Visual Storyteller, Creative Problem Solver





My focus is on human-centered, functional, and aesthetically pleasing UX design. I have worked in the industry at a variety of companies, from small startups to international corporations, collaborating with product teams to provide expert UX direction and advocate for customer-centric decisions in order to improve engagement and drive growth. Outside of my job, I also admin an online community for designers of Asian descent on a volunteer basis.

I also provide consultation and job search resources like portfolio reviews and mock interviews/design challenges for upcoming and junior designers. Whether you’ve recently started your UX journey and need advice on navigating the industry, or haven’t started and want insight on making a potential career transition, I am happy to share my experience with you and equip you with the insight and resources for you to succeed.

Feel free to drop me a line about this or anything else using the form below, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.